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How Climate Change is Affecting you Personally

1. What is climate change   

Climate change has been called one of the most important issues of our time. With increasing awareness of the need to reduce carbon emissions, efforts are being made not only to protect ecosystems but also to develop new ways of creating a “greener” earth. Although this shift in thinking about our environment is a positive step forward, there is still an enormous amount of misunderstanding regarding the causes and consequences of climate change. Understanding what is climate change and its relationship to us can help us begin to reduce the impact of climate change on our lives.

Climate change is defined as long term changes in the earth’s temperature. This change is measured through repeated measurements and can be used to chart the temperature of the planet over a long period. Temperature is considered a good indicator of climate because it is cyclical nature. A cold winter does not indicate that the planet will become too cold for human beings; a warm summer, however, shows that the planet will become uncomfortable for living. By tracking temperature over a long period, scientists have been able to record long term climate changes.

Changes in the earth’s climate are manifested in many ways. One of the most obvious impacts is increased air pollution, which is caused by increased levels of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Another consequence of global temperature changes is the melting of the ice sheets, which increases water levels in the world’s oceans and lead to increases in the frequency and severity of natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods. Global warming has been attributed to the increased level of atmospheric carbon dioxide; other effects include global dimming of the sun’s rays, disruption of food chains due to pests and drought, disruption of the ocean’s currents, and melting of permafrost. The melting of the arctic ice sheet has resulted in the dis-interference of the current natural temperature pattern and increased the risk of regional flooding.

Rapid increase in atmospheric temperature above the earth’s surface results in the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which act like a stimulus for climate change. Because the Earth’s average surface temperature is known, the greenhouse gases tend to rise faster than the earth’s average temperature. This process also results in the increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, which has feedback effects on the earth’s climate. Rapid atmospheric expansion and cooling results in the lowering of Earth’s temperatures.

Some natural causes of climate change are still unknown, but most researchers believe that they are responsible for approximately 60% of the global warming observed since 1950. One of the major contributors to climate change is natural variations in the earth’s orbit, called the solar-sphere-ocean-arcosphere oscillation. Another natural cause is the depletion and combustion of non-biodegradable fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. Human activities are one of the leading causes of the emission of greenhouse gas, because burning of fossil fuels for energy production results in the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Manmade industrial waste, agricultural landfills, and manufacturing facilities also release large amounts of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

Rapid changes in the earth’s environment are expected to continue over the next century, resulting in extreme weather changes, which will challenge human society in the years to come. The effects of climate change are already showing up in many parts of the world, with the increasing frequency and intensity of seasonal weather changes, changing tropical cyclones and increasing flood risks. Rapid changes in the earth’s environment are posing a great threat to human civilizations and future civilizations, unless significant effort is made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

 2. Climate Change Impact    

Studies have identified many contributing factors to climate change impact on ecosystems. One of the most important contributors is rapid population growth. As a result, habitat for biodiversity will be shrinking along with its extension. As the human population increases, the use of natural resources such as air, water and land is increasing. Rapid global warming and climate change impacts are expected to result from these activities.

One of the largest drivers of climate change impact is the rate of global warming. Earth’s temperature has been consistently increasing since pre-industrial times. Evidence from ice cores, vegetation and records from ice sheets show that the earth’s temperature has warmed and cooled several times during the Earth’s past warm and cold history. Today, with greenhouse gas emissions as the main cause of climate change, we are witnessing the rapid rise in Earth’s temperatures, which are causing severe changes in precipitation and extreme weather events.

While human activity is a significant cause of climate change, other natural sources also play a major role. Extreme heat waves and changing precipitation are caused by the melt of ice sheets and snow-covered mountains. Warming ocean currents tend to increase the rate of convective heat waves, which can lead to increased flooding and drought. El Nino and La Nina cycles also tend to increase global warming. Decreasing snowfall and glacier melt from global warming increase the rate of global cooling.

The effects of greenhouse gases will continue to increase in the future if we don’t take action now. To prevent global warming, we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to decreasing emissions, we need to strengthen the control mechanisms that are necessary for regulating the Earth’s climate.

One of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse gases is a combination of carbon dioxide emission reduction and clean energy technology. Efficient appliances and cars can both make a difference in the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Our earth’s climate is affected by human activities, but we can still do something about it    

 3. How To Slow Down And Derail Climate Change Effects 

One of the biggest problems we face today is Global Warming. The issue has been in the news quite a lot recently, as extreme weather events have been increasing around the world. In some parts of the world, such as Australia and Canada, there have already been significant changes in weather patterns. These changes have threatened to affect the world’s food supply, as well as the water supply for many areas of the world.

There are a number of theories about what has caused this global warming, but no one is able to point to an exact cause. Some scientists believe that human activity is a factor, while others believe that the changing of the Earth’s tilt to the tilted axis is to blame. The latter theory is gaining more support lately, as there are more coastal areas around the world which are slowly being subjected to rapid changes. Additionally, the melting of the ice caps and the rapid release of huge amounts of greenhouse gases from burning coal and other sources is also believed to be a major contributing factor. No matter what causes the global warming, it is something that must be addressed if we want to stop it from continuing.

One method which is currently used for addressing the problem of Global Warming is to use “green” technology. Green technology is simply the use of technology in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. For example, solar panels have been used to make solar powered heat systems for homes. Wind turbines are being used to generate electricity for use in places where conventional energy sources are not available, such as in remote locations.

Although the ultimate aim of to slow down and stop climate change is to save the planet for future generations, governments at all levels are having to find ways of balancing the books. This is one reason it has become so important for people to get active in environmental issues. The more people and businesses to take action on green issues, the more pressure will be placed on government leaders to do the same.

Climate change is real and knowing what you can do to ensure your kids can see the world that you see is important. One way to slow down climate change is to research your Centerpoint Energy renewable energy options. The Kyoto Protocol Agreement could lead to an increased focus on renewable energy, improved public transport facilities and possibly stricter limits on the use of fossil fuels. The potential for cooperation between developed and developing countries is also being explored. In fact, there are already cases where national governments are working together to provide environmental assistance to their respective countries. This may result in greater environmental standards and better environmental policies.

In conclusion, the question of how to slow down and stop climate change has been answered in part by the emerging global community. There are many international environmental conferences being held annually and more are being organized on a regular basis. More individuals and businesses are becoming aware of the need to do something to slow down the effects of global warming. It is hoped that this will result in more action being taken to address this global problem.