Many women report successful pregnancies after effective treatment by discontinuing abortion pills. Statistically, 64-68% of pregnancies continue to term after women opt for the discontinuation protocol. The earlier you start treatment, the greater your chances of continuing your pregnancy.
The chance of a successful pregnancy is still almost 50% if you do not take another abortion pill, but neither do you opt for progesterone treatment to reverse the miscarriage.
Is there a higher risk of birth defects?
No. Studies show that mifepristone does not appear to cause birth defects. The progesterone used in the abortion reversal pill therapy is the same as the progesterone that doctors have been using during pregnancy for the last fifty years. Neither mifepristone nor progesterone is associated with an increased incidence of birth defects.
A study involving 754 women who underwent the Abortion tablets in Dubai withdrawal protocol showed that the rate of birth defects was lower or the same as in the general population, so it appears to be safe.
What if I cancel the abortion but am not ready to become a parent?
The thought of parenting a child can be overwhelming when you think about finances and lifestyle changes. After you cancel your abortion, you have time to make plans and decisions for your future, and getabortionpillsindubai. is here to help. We offer confidential resources to help you overcome barriers to parenthood or provide resources for adoption.
These resources include: 1:
Medicaid and WIC Application Review
Community resources and referrals to help you with practical/material needs.
Parenting classes: get coupons for maternity and baby supplies. For a current list of getabortionpillsindubai. Parent
Learn more about types of adoption
Resources to help you make an informed adoption decision
Adoption agency referrals
If you think you may be pregnant or regret having started the process of taking abortion pills, contact us at getabortionpillsindubai. today. Our trained attorneys and licensed medical professionals are available to answer your questions compassionately and without judgment.