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What to Consider When Buying Original Paintings

Buying original art by impulse is perfectly fine, but taking the time to make a more aware and responsible investment will make your long-term purchase more satisfying.

Let’s discuss the essential questions to ask yourself before you buy original paintings online:

What do I like?

Your taste matters most when it comes to buying a work of art. Many artists are concerned that people will keep their art pieces in good condition for centuries. Unless you are interested in the secondary market, buy works that you will not tire quickly.

How to buy original paintings online?

When buying art to your taste, do not let yourself be affected by the trends and biases of the moment that you conceive your standards. And how do you develop your taste? Seeing art, the more, the better. Go to exhibitions, visit and shop art galleries online, browse catalogs and other art publications, etc.

In the end, you will discover that artistic disciplines attract you more than others, your preference for one style or another, themes, colors, materials, and sizes.

Where am I going to put it?

Suppose you want to decorate a wall, a room, an office that lacks a good atmosphere and want to give personality with original artwork. In that case, you must consider certain practical aspects before going out to buy: the maximum and minimum measures approximate, the range of colors, maintain a style that fits the decoration of the room, etc.

Do I want to start collecting paintings?

This question does not have to do with buying your first work. But when you see the potential of continuing to purchase original art with assiduity, for pure pleasure, or because it is a type of investment that offers you greater security, then yes, you should think well.

Why? Because you are not buying the same when you are a casual art buyer as when you are a collector. The collector already knows his taste and preferences, and when obtaining new works of art, he will want to endow a set with his own identity.

When you start to buy art, you can do it somewhat erratic way. But when one collects, before buying, has the rest of the collection in mind. What element gives unity to your collection? What do your pieces have in common? It can be the medium, the period to which they belong, the theme, the style, etc. If the paintings have nothing in common, they are not a collection but an accumulation.

What is my budget?

Fundamental: How much do you want to spend? The art market is enormous, and there are prices for all budgets. There are even artists who distribute free art on the street from time to time. And of course, there are also works with prices affordable only to very few.

The cost of an art piece is variable and relative, dependent on fixed factors that you can measure with some or all objectivity and other highly subjective, manipulative, and susceptible factors speculation.

As a rule, the work of an artist that is started is the most affordable, and as it is gaining credentials and recognition within the international market, prices soar.